Ai te lu sang ce you wo he ni download

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Their interactions lead to a sweeping romance but the couple finds themselves in a tug of war between their hard-earned happiness and a fear of loss. Source: Baidu, ChineseDrama. Edit Translation. MDL v6 en. Feeds Calendar Articles Trailers. TV Shows. Score: 8. Cryssy Anne. Gracias Messi. Summer Dramas with Green Theme. Popular Lists Related lists from users Create a list. All Time Favorite Dramas titles loves Favorite Dramas 57 titles 10 loves.

Type [ Edit ]. Notes [ Edit ]. Tencent Holdings Limited is a Chinese investment holding company whose subsidiaries provide media, entertainment, internet and mobile phone value-added services and operate online advertising services in China. Acording to Wikipedia, Tencent is one of the largest Internet companies in the world. Social Media: Weibo.

Website [ Edit ]. ACQQ 1. Netease Manhua 1. Lang Yuanshuai de Shuangchong Chong'ai. Little Assistant's Observation Diary. A Concubine's Daughter and Her Tactics. Thank you for visiting. I will check out that song, and if I like that I will translate it.

Have a great new year to you and have fun learning Chinese. There are a few misinterprets on the video, the sound of chao, and not as it was written cao, just as an example. Might want it redone sometime soon if this place is still up and running.

I am also enjoying my time here learning a bit from the songs. Thank you very much. Hi Ridwan, That is twinkle twinkle little star in Chinese version. You are welcome to Google it. Hope you will find it. This is very useful site. I am looking for the translation of Kuaile laojia song by chenming translation. I hope you can send me some link or produce it here in your list. Hi Shah, Can you tell me what is the Chinese title for these two songs, so that I can check it out? I love this website!

You have done a great job! Anyway you can translate this song word for word in pin yin and English please. Thank you, I am learning Chinese and was in Shanghai last year and love to understand the language. This song touches my heart for some reason and I want to understand. I just want to ask.. Thank you! I believe this is one of the songs. So glad to come across this website. Hazel [email protected]. Thanks for a great website for my learning of Chinese. This song comes on so often till today.

So I am sure many learners of Chinese like me will appreciate if you can add this to your list. Thank you for the info. I will check the song out, and if I like it, I would translate it. Have fun learning Chinese:. This is a great effort of you man. God bless u..

Dear admin ,i wish you a healthy and happy life. Hi, I love this site.. You are very welcome. I will check the song out. Have good time learning Chinese:. Sorry I am not going to translate the song. Oh yeah I know them n I like them.. LIN — Wo hai xiang ta.. Hi Linch, I will check it out, and if I like it I will translate.


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