After wrt310n firmware version 2 update
Now with the new one same model I noticed it being warm, but not as bad as the other - then after installing the DD-WRT firmware, it seamed to cool off considerably.
I thought it was just because it was rebooted after the FW installation, but it remained cool. I am using pretty much default settings aside from security. My question is - has anyone else heard of this? I dont see where any of the setting changes would cause this aside from trimming some overhead. I mounted it to the wall and bought a small 4" fan, but it isnt necessary anymore -.
I was wondering if its my imagination or someone who knows alot more than me about this stuff can confirm it. Never noticed it overheating. From what I've seen, using both stock and DD-WRT firmware on a n, n, and n, they all have that overheating problem.
What happened to the quality in the WRT54G ages? They also have weaker signal compared to the previous gen products. It seems like it could provide what it advertises and won't break on me like some of their other products. I have always swore by Linksys, and told others to only buy Linksys - and threw in "Linksys is made by Cisco - so you know its good" -.
But after dealing with their absolutely pathetically outsourced customer service - I think it was the middle east, or the phillipines - the accents were so hard I couldnt tell the difference - and of course they use the fake American names, like them calling themselves "Steve" is going to make me feel more at ease - I am thinking of looking D-Link next time I need to get a router-.
Do not link directly to the file, but rather to the download or support page. This avoids the need for updating the link with each new firmware revision. Do not link to OEM website, because that link may change. Misc Comments Anything that's worth mentioning Nice colour! Put any detailed content which needs more space on the devicepage. This website uses cookies. By using the website, you agree with storing cookies on your computer. Also you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy.
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Be sure to always do a hard reset prior to flashing another build, do a power cycle followed by another hard reset after flashing, and NEVER re-use a configuration file from a previous build or another router. Reconfigure from scratch.
If upgrading from dd-wrt. Recovery information available in this thread. Possible solutions include:. Category : Linksys.