World civilizations 6th edition online
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Subjects Textbooks , Civilization , History , Civilization, history. World Civilizations , Cengage Learning. Not in Library. Rico, Spain, France, and Portugal. He is a specialist on the history of colonial. He is also the author of Slaves, Peasants, and Rebels , Early. Latin America , and Victors and Vanquished He has held fellowships.
More than a decade ago, he founded and served as executive. We're sorry! We don't recognize your username or password. Please try again. The work is protected by local and international copyright laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning. You have successfully signed out and will be required to sign back in should you need to download more resources. This title is out of print. Peter N. Adas, Rutgers University Stuart B.
Availability This title is out of print. Description Designed for introductory-level survey courses in World History.
Preface Preface is available for download in PDF format. Unique periodization offers a coherent and comprehensible framework for organizing the study of world history. Six distinct eras of world history are defined primarily by the nature and extent of global interaction and contact among all or most civilizations during the particular time period. The six periods correspond to the six parts of the book. Within each part, the authors identify specific themes that characterize common experiences or common forces in individual societies as well as the kinds, patterns, and extent of global contacts that emerged during the era.
Thus, for example, Part I of the book discusses the developmental stage of world history, including the rise of agriculture and the emergence of civilization; Part II examines the classical era in global history, an era marked by the integration of large regions and diverse groups of people through overarching cultural and political systems.
Global Connections: Concluding sections at the end of each chapter reiterate the chapter themes and issues and relate the developments discussed in the chapter to the rest of the world, thus underscoring the importance and relevance of the chapter material to the totality of global history.
Document Excerpts: Substantial excerpts from selected documents give students meaningful and representative samples of primary source material. Critical thinking questions following each document probe student understanding of the material and encourage interpretive reflection and analysis. On the Web: This list of multiple and high-interest Web sites complements each chapter and identifies sites students can examine for additional information or insight on the chapter's topics. Annotations indicate what particular information or material students can find on each site.
Glossary with Pronunciation Guide helps students develop their global vocabulary and understanding of world history by defining key conceptual terms, frequently used foreign terms, important geographical regions, and key players on the world stage.
Visualizing the Past boxes support visual literacy by showing students how to read and analyze graphic material such as maps, charts, and graphs. Each box includes questions to guide students through the analysis, both of the material and its graphic presentation. Part-opening timelines identify key events and developments of the era under discussion.
Chapter timelines highlight important events and trends of the period covered in the chapter.