Windows server 2008 event viewer print

Take a look at the event viewer on that machine manually and look for any events with source "Print" and check the user field to see what it is. Retry the command locally to speed it up substituting what you are looking for with the user you find in an actual event log record.

Thanks so much for your help. Show 1 more comment. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast Helping communities build their own LTE networks. Podcast Making Agile work for data science. Featured on Meta. New post summary designs on greatest hits now, everywhere else eventually.

Related 2. Hot Network Questions. Question feed. I have a horrible feeling they are not being logged as a tick box isn't ticked for logging print spooler information. If it is an HP printer, you can log into the printer with the ip address in an internet browser and it keeps logs of who printed what document.

I have a bunch and you might not get much if you are using a print server. I checked a number and just not getting that kind of information. I'm not really where else to look. All print jobs will now show up in the System Event log.

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