Gideon game
He succeded only with the help of God. Gideon Games has the same vision: we want to tell the Gospel through games with a small group of developers and artists and only with the help of God. Our goal is to honour God through making games that are both fun to play and that have a compelling story. What we want to convey above all else through our games, is that there is Someone who cares for everyone and who gave His life to save us.
We want to tell the good news to gamers. Judges He was told to build an altar of rock and sacrifice a bull. Gideon took 10 men and tore down the altar of Baal during the night. When the men saw the Baal altar gone the next morning, they asked who had taken it down. Someone said Gideon. We discussed dew outside and how when we have dew, it is everywhere, and not just certain places.
The next morning when Gideon and the people woke up and gathered together, God told Gideon that there were too many people there to fight the Midianites. God wanted the people to know they won the battle because of Him, not because there were so many people willing to fight. God told Gideon to let the people go that were afraid. So, 22, left, but there were still 10, people with Gideon.
Take them to the water for a test. Separate the ones that cup their hands and lap the water like a dog from the ones who get on their knees to get a drink. God told Gideon to take the ones that cupped their hands to drink. There were only men, but God said that He would be with them to beat the Midianites.
God instructed Gideon to take his servant and go down into the valley where the Midianites were camped. Gideon divided the men into three groups. He gave each of them a trumpet, and empty pitcher with a torch inside. Gideon told them to watch him and copy what he does. For the battle, I turned off the lights, since it was midnight.
The kids threw down their pitchers, held the torch and blew their trumpets! I warned the next door teacher before class! Gideon had men with him and when they got to the camp about midnight, they blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers.
Then the other groups of men did the same thing! They held the torches in the left hand and trumpets in their right hand. The Midianite men woke up and cried out! Some of them killed each other and then they ran! Gideon sent messengers to tell the other tribes to seize the Midianites that are hiding. They found them everywhere! They even captured 2 princes! After all the fighting, the country was calm for 40 years. Judges This is today's take-home that we used during the lesson. You can print it here.
I use a ram's horn that can be purchased at eBay or Amazon. He eventually made his fortune by setting up a successful career as a music mogul, at which point he took the alias of "G-Man". Gideon once claimed the Glow is what has made him his millions. It is not clear, though, if this means he sold the Glow to other people, or if he used the Glow to manipulate people into buying his company's products. The latter is more likely, since Gideon is the only one who knows how to fully control the Glow.
Gideon first met Ramona at a party in New York and the two quickly formed a relationship. Despite Ramona's feelings for Gideon, Gideon saw his relationship with Ramona purely as an experiment, during which he inflicted Ramona with The Glow. Fed up with him constantly pushing her away, Ramona decided to leave Gideon, leaving nothing except a letter.
Unfortunately for Ramona, Gideon walked in on her just as she finished the letter. Ramona, filled with intense emotions, became overwhelmed by The Glow and vanished into Subspace , taking the letter with her. After Ramona left, Gideon got totally wasted out of his mind and put up a huge drunken rant on Craigslist about her. This got the attention of Ramona's other six evil exes who contacted him.
Gideon used this opportunity to form the League of Ramona's Evil Exes , which he would use to control the future of Ramona's love life. Whilst there, Gideon altered some of Scott's memories, adding his likeness to Simon Lee , Kim 's ex and "enemy" of Scott's. The largest of the three flashbacks, right after his own father and Lynette Guycott , is Gideon saying "Just use your vegan powers or whatever, he'll never know what hit him, right?
He also appears again at the end during Sex Bob-omb 's performance telling the recording crew following The Clash At Demonhead "No comment" and giving us a darkened profile view of him. It's safe to assume Gideon didn't come to see the show, but to size up Scott while he fought Todd.
Judging from his response, he is not impressed. Roxanne's first line upon seeing him is "Did Gideon send you? This is the same question Ramona asks when first attacked by Knives in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World , possibly suggesting that Gideon often hires assassins.
Though the shadowy figure's face is never revealed, it can be assumed this was Gideon, or at least a manifestation of him representing the part of Ramona still attached to him. At the end of Scott Pilgrim vs. Scott is so frightened by Gideon's presence, he immediately runs away. Later, after confronting his mistakes by merging with NegaScott , Scott goes to the Chaos Theater to confront Gideon once and for all. Gideon ends up stealing the Power of Love from Scott and impaling him with it.
Scott returns to life thanks to the 1-Up he gained from defeating Todd Ingram , and he and Ramona begin to fight Gideon. It is then revealed that Gideon is keeping six of his other ex-girlfriends suspended in cryogenic stasis on the ceiling of Chaos Theater, enabling him to thaw and date any one of them at any time of his choosing, and desired to add Ramona to the final capsule. Using The Glow , Gideon manipulates their emotions, causing them to argue with each other.
Ramona tries to leave through Subspace , but Gideon stops her escape by impaling her, and then teleports himself into her mind. Scott then enters Subspace through Ramona's Subspace Suitcase to enter Ramona's mind, where he finds that Gideon has transformed himself into a powerful God form and is lording over Ramona.
Scott headbutts him, giving Gideon the Glow and transforms him back to his original size, releasing Ramona from his influence in the process. Infuriated, Gideon tries to kill Scott with his sword, but Ramona enters her own Mind Subspace and casts the three of them back into the real world where she blocks the attack with her Subspace Suitcase, causing it to explode whilst disarming Gideon.
Ramona then takes the Power of Love, which heals her wounds allowing her to continue fighting. During this time, Envy asks Gideon if he is OK.
Gideon coldly rebuffs her in response. After realizing that he and Gideon are more similar than he thought, Scott earns a new sword - the Power of Understanding , and begins the final battle alongside Ramona. Gideon takes his backup sword installed in the back of Envy's dress and begins to fight.
Gideon reveals during the battle that he was spying on Scott and Ramona through Scott's head via the subspace highway, "spicing up" some of Scott's boring memories along the way. This has further increased the memory problems Scott has throughout the series and prompts Ramona to exclaim "His brain doesn't need any extra damage from you! Before his final defeat, Gideon claims that getting rid of him won't solve anything and that both Scott and Ramona are their own worst enemies based on their past actions throughout their lives.
They soon deny this, however, and reply that Gideon himself is much worse due to his own actions. Having said this, Scott uses the Power of Understanding while Ramona simultaneously uses the Power of Love on Gideon and perform an X-Strike , creating a X-shaped slash mark in his chest.
Gideon is an epic mastermind, genius and inventor. Gideon created The Glow ; a powerful weapon described as "emotional warfare" that causes those who are affected to be overwhelmed by their own hangups, effectively sealing them within their own minds. It accomplishes this by manipulating the Subspace within the minds of those who contract the Glow. Gideon claims that he cannot be affected by the Glow as he's "been locked in his head since the day he was born.
Using the Glow, Gideon can also manipulate Subspace and used his abilities to remain in control of Ramona's head even after the two broke up, he also used his abilities to alter some of Scott's high school memories.