Gentoo install net-setup

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Posted: Sat Nov 29, pm Post subject: where did net-setup go? The root partition will be formatted with the EXT4 file system. These are typical choices, but there are more options that you can research. Run the following commands:. Now that the file systems are set-up on the partitons, we want to mount the partitions and begin installing Gentoo onto the disk.

To mount them, run:. This is where our boot partition will go, so we mount it there. We are now ready to begin installing Gentoo! The first thing that we want to do is check the date on the machine. Some parts of the installation rely on the date being correct, and may produce strange results, otherwise. Check the date by executing in the terminal:. To change the date, execute, replacing each of the letters in the date code with their correct values March 29th, in the year would be :.

Once the date is correct, run the following commands to download a copy of the latest stage3 tarball:. This will open a very basic web browser, that will allow you to navigate a website using the arrow keys, spacebar, and enter.

The first thing we will do is select a mirror from the list on the page. These subdirectories may vary by mirror, but should be similar and simple enough to navigate. Find a list containing a "stage3-amdxxxxxxxx. Select the file to download it to your current directory in the terminal.

You can quit out of links by typing "q". Once it is finished downloading, you must unpack the tarball archive, which contains enough of the basic Gentoo system to allow us to install the rest. Unpack it by running:. Next we must mount all of the necessary file systems that were contained in this archive. After doing this, we will "chroot", which allows us to begin using this basic Gentoo system. You are now working from the Gentoo environment on your hard disk!

We can begin setting up the rest of the system so that we can boot from it. Gentoo uses Portage, which is a package manager. This package manager allows you to update and install all of the programs and libraries that your system needs and uses.

Portage is unique in that by default, it compiles these programs from source code, while most package managers install pre-compiled binaries onto your system. There are benefits and trade-offs to compiling your own software. One benefit is that your programs will be tailored to your machine and needs. A con is that installing programs will usually take much longer, because compilation is usually a large job for a computer to complete. This sets up Portage and tells it what kind of Gentoo environment we intend to run.

Now we will install and configure the Linux kernel. This is one of the biggest steps of the installation. The kernel is a very important program that is the basis for the Operating System and controls many of the interactions between programs and the hardware of the machine. This will install the source code for the Gentoo kernel on your system.

We will now use a tool called genkernel that will automatically configure and compile the kernel for you. One of the biggest benefits to using Gentoo is that you are able to manually configure the kernel. This means that you can hand tailor the kernel to match your machine's hardware. We will allow genkernel to automatically configure the kernel for a generic and wide set of hardware.

First, we will update our file system table, which genkernel will look at in order to help configure the kenrel.

This will open the file in the nano text editor, which will allow you to edit its lines. Edit the file to reflect:. Gentoo Handbook If you are unsure what you need to download, please refer to the Gentoo Handbook for the complete installation documentation. Musl stages: consider the musl overlay While the core system packages within the stage files work fine in the main gentoo repository, musl-specific fixes for additional packages can be found in the musl overlay.

Stage 3 openrc MiB. Stage 3 HPPA 1. Processor compatibility Processor compatibility The ia64 architecture is intended for use on Intel Itanium processors only.

Details contents, hashes, and signatures Stage 3. Processor compatibility Processor compatibility The lp64d stages can be used on all bit RISC-V processors supporting the double-precision floating point instruction set.

Wish me luck. Very complicated but much appreciated. I just followed the links in this tutorial, and will do so again for part 2, but I learned a little bit. Thanks for posting this. Have a question or suggestion? Please leave a comment to start the discussion. Please keep in mind that all comments are moderated and your email address will NOT be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.

You can also subscribe without commenting. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Gentoo Linux Installation Guide Because the final user can choose which components are to be installed, Gentoo Linux installation is a very difficult process for unexperienced users, but this tutorial uses for simplification a pre-build environment provided by a LiveDVD and a stage 3 tarball with minimal system software required to complete installation.


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