Free templates for access 2003
The tasks you enter for each customer will be display also in the Task summary window. Each task will stay in this window until the Done field is checked. It s like a To do list that is always on top of your main form. You can have a Calendar View of the task to do by clicking the Calendar button at the left of the customer name that is in red.
You can even edit or add task directly from the calendar. The button beside the field can be use to write an to a customer. It will open Outlook or Outlook Express Adding a new customer. It allows you to create a new customer. The product form. To create orders to refill you re inventory, you can print a list of Product to be ordered that will be sort by Primary supplier. From there you can take action and create orders for these products.
There are three things that affect the quantity in stock for each product: 1- The quantity delivered for each items in a sales order 2- The quantity received for each items in a purchase order 3- The inventory adjustments The value is calculated on a LiFo base Last in First out. Be sure to check the checkbox 'Labor' for the labor type product as this information is used in the quote section of this template to make the difference between labor and non-labor product.
You can set selling price scale for different quantities. To create a new product, simply click on the New Product button. Also note that the Sub-Category field is only available in the Advanced version. It is used in the quote form in the list of material. The supplier form. You can also access directly a supplier by using the field Go to at the right of the navigation button.
The report manager. Some reports are pre-defines and you can just explore them by clicking on the selected button. The buttons that are filled with can be assigned to any new reports you create.
A report called Products to be order can be found in the Product Tab. It s a reminder that shows which product have reach there minimum quantity. From there you can take action and create an order for these products. The quote form with the Advanced CRM version The quote form enables you to create 2 types of quote: A summary quote and a detailed quote.
A summary quote In this type of quote the task list is independent from the item list. This means that when you print the quote, the list of works is displayed and at the bottom of the quote, the total and taxes are displayed. The total and taxes are calculated from the list of items you choose. You also have the option to print a list of items like if you where printing an invoice. You can choose the works from a drop menu. In the masters form accessible from the main menu you can fill new entry that will populate this drop down menu.
Secondly you enter all the products and quantities that you need to build the quote. You can do that manually or you can generate those entries based on a quote model see the quote model help section for more details.
All you have to do is to choose a model from the drop down list and then click on the 'Model generator' button. If the model contains formulas based on a superficy you need to enter them in the corresponding fields before proceeding with the generation.
You can use the 'Delete all items' button to delete all the products for the current quote 2. A detailed quote The main difference is that you have sub-totals within the task list.
In the quote form there is a button question mark beside the 'Quote type' option group box. This button will open a graphical example of the differences between the 2 types of quote. If you try to enter a product without firstly choose a summary and detail work section the system will prompt you with a message. The summary and detail work sections are the outlines of the quote. As in the summary quote type you enter all the products and quantities that you need to build the quote.
For the detailed quote type those fields are assigned to a summary and detailed work section. Here is the logic behind using those fields: First the system will look in the detailed work section if there is superficy parameter. If there is then it will take this parameter. If not, the system will look for a value at the detailed work section level. If there is a value it will take it if not it will set it to 0.
The models form with the Advanced CRM version The model form enables you to create a list of products that will be used to help you when creating a quote. On the quote form there is a 'Model generator' button that will copy the product list from the selected model into the current quote you re working on.
In addition if the products in the model have related superficies formulas associated to them, the generation will proccess a calculation accordingly. The first column is a line number that will be generated beginning with 1. The second column is where you select products from the product table. The third column can be left blank or you can choose a formula from a drop down list. There are five possible formulas: 1. If the third and fourth columns are left blank the quantities will be left to 0.
If you want to create a new invoice, use the 'New invoice' button. If you want to open existing invoices for the selected customer, use the 'Existing invoices' button. At this point you can either modify the invoice or create a new one by clicking on the 'New Invoice' button. The taxes rates are set at 2 level: Global level you set them with the 'Parameter manager' which can be open with a button on the main form.
There is also specific tax rates that can be implemented at the product level you set them in the 'Product form' that can be open with a button on the main form. When you select an item in an invoice the system will set the tax rates following this logic: 1- It will check if taxes are applicable set in the Parameter manager 2- If tax are applicable it will get the tax rates set in the Parameter manager.
If there is one it will take this tax rate. Also there is a discount column on the item part of the invoice form. This field will populate itself from the 'Discount on invoice' field on the general tab of the customer form which is also the main form.
The purchase order form When you open the purchase order form, all the orders are retrieved and you can access them with the navigations button at the bottom of the form. You can also access directly an order by using the field Go to at the right of the navigation button.
The inventory adjustment form. It can be use at any time but typically it s used either to show the initial qty in stock for a product or when you take a physical inventory of your products and you then want to adjust the value in the database. The image manager with the Image option CRM version.
To access it, click on the image button at the bottom of the main form or in the application ribbon. The image manager opens on a window with a main image and a subform with additional images. To perform an action on an image, use the context menu right-click directly on an image field. When an image has been added you can always left-click on it to open a zoom window of it. The images are saved externally in the images folder that must exist in the same folder then the backend database TemplateData.
Paste: Pastes an image from the clipboard if available , replacing the current image. Load: Loads a new image from the filesystem. Save As : Save the current image to a file. Zoom In: Zooms in to the center of the image by a factor of 2. Zoom Out: Zooms out by a factor of 2. Zoom to Fit: Zooms the image to fit entirely inside the area of the control.
Zoom to Width: Zooms to fit the width of the image inside the control. Zoom to Height: Zooms to fit the height of the image inside the control. The Data Base form. Just select a form in the left part of the windows. You can customize this form and add new groups of data to it. Just go in design mode and explore the way it s done. It s very straight forward and easy to customize. The Manager. The first thing you want to do is to choose if you want to use an already existing template or to create a new one.
Jun 23, Access Template. I found a very usefully template online for access , but it doesnt do everything i need it to. For the average person it is next to impossible to figure out how to edit a template, would someone be able to help me getting this figured out? One main issue i am having is a search feature, yes i can hit ctrl F to find.
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You can quickly toggle individual wireless devices on or off, change power-off USB charge settings, modify network sharing options, and much more. The best case senario for me would be, when I open up Access and open my contacts file, it brings up a blank page with no contact info. From there I would like to be able to type in on of the blank fields and search by that.
I dont know if I am explaing this right. I have uploaded an image of what I mean and will have copied the address that it can be viewed at below. I was also wondering if it is possible to take two Microsoft Access templates and combine them. I am looking to add a vehicle section to the contact info under a different tab. I have found a template that would work good for imputing the vehicle info, but am unsure of how to combine them.
I have been playing around with Access all day trying how to figure out the search option I am trying to create. The main thing I need is for it to open the contact template and be blank, from there I want to be able to enter in either the first or last name field and be able to search by what I have entered.
Any advice or guidence how to do this is greatly appreciated. Thanks again in advance. This thread is locked.