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The judge gave his decision along with the court listening silently. The court listened silently to the judge giving his decision.
The judge gave his decision when the court listened silently. She went to the Baggit store. Sonia wanted to buy a new bag, so she went to the Baggit store. Wanting to buy a new bag, Sonia went to the Baggit store.
Sonia went to the Baggit store to buy a new bag. The city gets its potable water from the rains. If it does not rain in Mumbai, the city will not get its potable water. Unless it rains in Mumbai, the city will not get its potable water.
It must rain in Mumbai for the city must get its potable water. Begin: Our… 1. Our disgrace is a matter of pity.
Our state of disgrace is a matter of pity. Our having to undergo this disgrace is a pity. Begin: Except for… 1. Except for his hurting his hand, he was lucky. Except for the hurt to his hand, he was lucky. Except for his hand, he was luckily not hurt. Begin: In the event… 1. In the event that he is late, he will be punished. In the event of his being late, he will be punished. In the event of him being late, he will be punished. Rewrite as a simple sentence 1.
Although I called him, he gave no answer. I called him; all the same he gave no answer. He gave no answer to my call.
Begin: None… 1. None but members are allowed to hire the premises. Nine other than members will be allowed to hire the premises.
None except members are allowed to hire the premises. Begin: It… 1. It matters much though that they ignore our suggestions. It is a pity that they ignore our suggestions. It does not matter much though they ignore our suggestions. Begin: The decision… 1. The decision will be taken by the Court by noon tomorrow.
The decision will have been taken by the Court by noon tomorrow. The decision will have to be taken by the Court by noon tomorrow. Class X: Two or three assignments of reasonable length not Drama and Prose Short Stories exceeding words in total. Questions set will be central to the text. A poem, or passages from poems, will be given and iv Appreciation of literary qualities. Putting oneself in the to the poem.
The External Examiner may be a teacher nominated by the Head Literature in English English Paper — 2 of the school, who could be from the faculty, but not 1. For example, unabridged play by A. The story, The Little Match Girl, was written by. Rowling 2. They were. Maya Angelou has used the caged bird as a symbol for. Sibia lingered behind after the other women had left because. Tubal returns from Genoa with news both good and bad, for Shylock.
Which of the following did he NOT say to Shylock? Soon after Portia and Bassanio declare their love for each other, another pair also declare their love for each other and ask to be married at the same time as Portia and Bassanio. They are. Bassanio rejected the golden casket because. When Portia left for Venice she put in charge of her house.
Section B I. Shylock: To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing Else it will feed my revenge. Where does the above exchange between Salarino and Shylock take place?
Which of the following comparisons does he NOT make? What recent event in his personal life does Shylock lament earlier in the conversation?
I am locked in one of them: If you do love me, you will find me out. A little later, Portia compares Nerissa and the rest to. Which of the following statements is NOT true? But no one knew what beautiful visions she had seen and in what a blaze of glory she had entered with her dear old grandmother into the heavenly joy and gladness of a new year.
When the little girl saw the shooting star earlier that night, she realised. How many matches did the little girl light that night? When the little girl left home that morning, she. What was he waiting for?
The caged bird sings about. What prevents the caged bird from flying? In this poem, Maya Angelou compares the caged bird with. The speaker is describing. The speaker is now. All the images used by the poet in this stanza are images. The story, The Blue Bead, was written by. The free bird dips his wing in the rays of the sun. The Gujar woman carried. Lorenzo had transformed Jessica into a. Shylock asked Tubal to hire him a.
Portia sent Balthazar to. Where does the above scene take place? Who has brought the letter? According to Antonio, why did Shylock hate him? What made the little girl think so? Who was the only person ever been good to her? What did the little girl see when she struck another match after this? The star that fell. Which of the following does NOT describe Sibia? She was dressed in rag.
Which of the following statement is NOT correct about the free bird? The extract represents. Who were there at the window sets? The free bird claims the to be his own. The crocodile lay on the rippled sand with only his raised eyes out of the water, and raised nostrils breathing the. Sibia had seen many wonders in the bazaar.
What had she NOT seen? Portia calls herself. Besides the scroll, what other object did Bassanio find in the leaden casket? Bassanio rejected the silver casket because. Portia said that she was leaving for a monastery off her house. Which theme in the play is highlighted in the above extract?
Bassanio says that even the most simple vice has some. Who were Hercules and Mars? What kind of weather was there in the evening? The girl had slippers on when she left home, but they were of no use. We can conclude from the extract that the little girl was.
Why was the little girl out in the cold? What prevented the little girl from going back home? To what was Sibia compared? Where was Sibia working? With whom was she working? What was their work? What did she carry with her? In triumphs, people have dropped down dead. Who is the speaker here?
How did the speaker enter? Why was the poor girl scared of returning home? Sibia sprang from boulder to boulder, leaping like a. What does she trade the ring for?
Jessica dressed herself as a in order to elope with Lorenzo. Who is the speaker of the above extract? What good wishes does the speaker give to Bassanio? What request does the speaker make to Bassanio?
Whom did he propose to marry? Who is Tubal? Why did he go to Genoa? What ill luck did Shylock have? Later Shylock asked Tubal to meet him at the. In the Victorian society what was the act of selling matches used as a font of?
Where was the merchant from? What was the merchant showing to the crowd? What she had NOT seen? The caged bird is. In this poem, Maya Angelou expresses of the oppressed. Where is the patriot at the moment? What did the little girl did NOT see in her visions? The Gujar woman carried two gurrahs. Sibia wanted to paint her clay bowls with. Antonio had called Shylock. Portia gives Bassanio that he must swear never to part with.
Portia asks to go to Padua. Whom is the speaker speaking to? What loss did the speaker mention at the beginning of his speech? What did the speaker wish? Who is the speaker and the person spoken to? What did she strike? What did the little girl see inside? Which vision of the girl has been referred to here? What was the roasted goose stuffed with? Why did the woman go there? What did Sibia do to help her? What did Sibia do to stop her wounds? The free bird is. Who leaped at the sun?
Which character trait of the patriot is visible in the extract? Court of Record. Part I 30 marks will contain short answer questions set b The High Courts: from the entire syllabus. The sections will correspond to the sections Lok Adalats: meaning and advantages.
The Indian National Movement — 1. Parliamentary procedures: a brief idea in order to maintain continuity and for a more of sessions, quorum, question hour, adjournment and comprehensive understanding.
Speaker — election. The Union Executive and their Presidents should be mentioned. Any two and their tenure. Collective and individual responsibility of Pal and Lala Lajpat Rai. The Muslim League and its the members of the Cabinet. Distinction between the objectives.
Council of Ministers and the Cabinet. Mass Phase of the National Movement 3. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Radhakrishnan and Civil Disobedience Movement: causes reaction to the Dr.
Abdul Kalam or any other. The International Court of Justice. Council by the Head of the School. Select the correct option for each of the following questions. Part I comprises 20 questions of 1 mark each.
Part I 20 marks Question 1 If the strength of the House is members, the quorum will be. One-sixth 2. One-fourth 3. Two-third 4. One-third Question 4 Residuary power refers to the power to make laws on subjects which are in the. Union List 2. State List 3. Concurrent List 4. Not part of these three lists Question 5 Who determines the salaries and allowances of MPs and Ministers?
The President 2. The Parliament 3. The Vice-President 2. The President 3. The Prime Minister 4. The Attorney General of India. Vote on Account 2. Veto 3. Prorogation 4. The members of the Lok Sabha 2. The members of the Vidhan Sabha 3. The members of the Vidhan Parishad 4. The Citizens of India Question 9 Complete the given analogy.
Lok Sabha : Speaker :: Rajya Sabha :? Vice President 2. Prime Minister 3. President 4. Only i 2. Only iv Question 11 The year in which the Congress was established. Only iv 3. Only ii and iii 4. All of the above Question 13 Complete the given analogy. Non Cooperation Movement 2. Anti Partition Movement 3. Quit India Movement 4. Subash Chandra Bose 2. Ras Behari Gosh 3. Jawaharlal Nehru 4. Lord Wavell Question 15 According to the Indian Independence Act, which of the following are applicable to the princely states: i They could remain independent ii They could join India iii All treaties with the British were terminated.
All of the above 2. Only iii 3. Only ii and iv 4. None of the above. Replace the underlined word to correct the statement. Indian National Congress 2. Indian National Army 3. East India Association 4. Zeenat Mahal 2. Baji Rao II 3. Bahadhur Shah Zafar 4. Lord Mountbatten 2. Lord Irwin 3. Lord Wavell 4. Stafford Cripps Question 20 The nationalists felt Bengal was partitioned. To divide Hindus and Muslims 2.
For effective administration 3. To stop the spread of Swadeshi 4. None of these reasons. When the State is ruled by a coalition 2. During the Proclamation of an Emergency 3. When the Lok Sabha passes a resolution by two-thirds majority 4. It can introduce a Money Bill 2. It can pass an Ordinary Bill 3. It can pass the No Confidence motion 4. Making laws on subjects in the Union List 2. Approving ordinances 3. Preparing the Budget 4.
Supplementary grants. To develop and consolidate the feelings of national unity among Muslims. To protect and advance the political rights of Muslims.
To train and organize public opinion of the Muslims in the country. To prevent hostilities between Muslims and other communities. Question 25 Identify the clauses of the Rowlatt Act. Restrictions on the movement of people 2. Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Writ 3. Vernacular Press must not publish anything against the British 4. The volunteers marched through the streets shouting slogans of Gandhi and the Khilafat.
Soon they walked into the police. Sticks and stones were thrown from one end in return for bullets from the other. As the crowd grew larger and fiercer, the cops retreated inside the police station. The protestors doused the building in kerosene and set it on fire. Twenty-three policemen perished. A total of people were brought to trial in the incident, out of which 19 were sentenced to death. Source- The Indian Express a Where did this incident take place?
Lahore 2. Chauri Chaura 3. Dandi 4. Awadh b Which movement did Gandhiji withdraw because of this incident? Non-Cooperation Movement 2. Civil Disobedience Movement 3. Anti Partition Movement c Identify any two impacts of the movement that was suspended due to this event.
Instilled confidence in people 2. Led to large scale communal riots 3. Promoted Social reforms 4. Lord Curzon 3. To implement Lord Wavell Plan 2. For peaceful transfer of power 4. To delay the partition of India c Identify from the list, two proposals of the plan formulated by him. The country would be divided into two dominions 2. Formation of a Constituent Assembly 3. There would be grouping of provinces 4. Setting up of a Boundary Commission. The Prime Minister 2. The Speaker 3. The Vice President 4.
The Electoral College 2. The Rajya Sabha 3. The Parliament 4. The Election Commission Question 7 Who can show pardon to a convict given death sentence? The Chief Justice of India 2. The Supreme Court 3. The President 4. Parliamentary Committee. The Lower Court 2. The District Court 3. The Lok Adalat 4. Lord Duffrin 2.
Lord Canning 3. Lord Dalhousie 4. Lord Cornwallis Question 12 Lord Bentinck banned. Sati 2. Polyandry 3. Pilgrimage to holy places 4. Ramanuja 2. Jyotiba Phule 3. Sabitri Bai 4. Tilak Question 15 Who started Young India?
Derozio 2. Aurobindo Ghosh 3. Swami Dayanand 4. Triple Alliance 2. Axis Powers 3. Allied Powers 4. Quit India Movement 2. Khera Satyagraha 3. Civil Disobedience Movement 4. Non Cooperation Movement. Mahatma Gandhi 2. Das 3. Lord Wavell 2. Lord Mountbatten 3. Lord Minto 4. Clement Attlee.
Direct election would place too much power in the hands of the illeterate masses 2. India is a Republic 3. The framers of the Constitution wanted the Election to remain a quiet and dignified affair 4. India has a multiparty system Question 22 Which of the following statements are true in connection with the Supreme Court? The President may seek advice from the Supreme Court 2. It is a Court of Record 3.
The Parliament appoints the Judges of the Supreme Court 4. The independence of the Supreme Court is not ensured Question 23 Which of the following powers are exercised by the Prime Minister?
He acts as a link between the cabinet and the President 2. He is the Titular Head of our State 3. He coordinates the working of various departments 4. The Ganapati Festival 2. The Indian Association 3. Akharas and Lathi clubs 4. The Rowlatt Act 2.