Eric tools
A small collection of stylesheets that you can use as web development tools. You can have your presentation slides and printed handouts generated from the same file—it's easy! A tool Aaron Gustafson and I hacked together one night during the inaugural Retreats 4 Geeks, this takes any string of CSS transform functions and gives you the matrix-math equivalent of the endpoint.
This will be of interest to people who play Kerbal Space Program with the CommNet setting enabled: it helps find resonant orbits for carrier craft to set up satellite constellations. I love maps, and I enjoy programming. Here's where the two interests collide. Home of the surprisingly famous HYDEsim. Small ish PHP files you can add to your WordPress plugins directory to make WP better, or at least different, than the default install.
It's amazing the places CSS knowledge can come in handy these days, eh? Eric Zimmerman's open source tools can be used in a wide variety of investigations including cross-validation of tools, providing insight into technical details not exposed by other tools, and more.
Eric's first Cheat Sheet contains usage for tools for lnk files, jump lists, prefetch, and other artifacts related to evidence of execution. Listen to Eric as he walks you through a Cheat Sheet created to help you maximize the capabilities of his tools. By Eric Zimmerman. Download the Poster. Tips for Using EZTools Eric Zimmerman's open source tools can be used in a wide variety of investigations including cross-validation of tools, providing insight into technical details not exposed by other tools, and more.
Download the Cheat Sheet. Requirements and Troubleshooting All software requires at least Microsoft. You will get errors running these without at least 4. When in doubt, install it! The included tools are sorted alphabetically :. This is the eric7 web browser. It is a full blown browser based on QtWebEngine, which is based on the Chromium web engine. This tool may be used to compare two files side-by-side. Differences between the files are highlighted by coloring the text.
This is the standalone variant of the configuration dialog. It offers most of the configuration options as are available from within eric7. This tool may be used to view the differences between two files. These are shown as a unified or context diff. This is the tool to extract source code documentation from source files and format that as HTML files.
This is a standalone variant of the plug-in repository window. It is used to view the available plug-ins and download them to the local machine. This tool may be used to create screenshots of the whole screen, individual windows or selectable areas.
This is a simple tool to inspect SQL databases. All database products supported by Qt may be inspected. Note, that Qt database drivers may be installed first. This tool may be used to preview translations of Qt forms. Forms and language files may be loaded separately. Multiple languages can be loaded and the active language can be switched between the loaded ones. This tool is used to preview Qt forms. The display may be switched between the available Qt window styles.
This is a standalone tool to manage Python virtual environments. It is like the integrated pane and offers the same functionality.
GPL3 for more details. Third party software included in eric7 is released under their respective license and contained in the eric7 distribution for convenience. Please send bug reports, feature requests or contributions to eric bugs address. Jan 4, Jan 1, Dec 4, Oct 30, Sep 4, Jul 3, Jun 3, May 1, Apr 2, Mar 6, Feb 1, Jan 2, Dec 6, Dec 5, Nov 1, Oct 3, Sep 5, Aug 1, Jul 4, Jun 1, May 2, Apr 5, Mar 7, Feb 2, Dec 7, Sep 7, Aug 3,