Elgin community college dental program

A limited microbiology section is also included. The lab includes crown carving, myofunctional theories and cephalometric tracings. For more details, go to elgin. This course deals with the chemical, physical and mechanical concepts of gypsum, hydrocolloids, dental filling materials and periodontal packs.

Emphasis will be placed on developing manipulative skills necessary to carry out laboratory and chairside procedures. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in DEA This course is designed for the dental assisting major and will cover methods used for disinfection, sterilization, prevention of crosscontamination and techniques used to prevent personnel infection.

Heavy emphasis will be placed on the use of equipment and chemicals. Methods to sterilize individual groups of instruments will be studied. DEA Dental Radiography 3 2,2. Techniques involved in exposing, processing and mounting dental x-rays. Two techniques are taught: the paralleling and the bisecting angle. Stress is placed upon radiation safety for the operator and patient. Anatomy of the bony structures radiographed as well as history and physics of radiography will be covered.

All work will be completed on manikins. Practical experience is given in chairside procedures of general dentistry. Procedures for tooth restoration and cleaning are covered.

Skills taught include equipment use and care, aseptic techniques, charting, saliva control, instrument transfer, sharpening, and identification. Presents concepts of first aid, community dentistry, dental pathology, and pharmacology including: Diet and nutrition, fluoridation, and patient education. First aid as it applies to the dental office is also stressed. Remedial or advanced projects in either chairside assisting or dental radiography will be undertaken.

Advanced projects in dental radiography include occlusal and oblique angle projections, pedodontic and extra oral techniques. Advanced projects in chairside assistance including six-handed, sit-down dentistry and chairside assisting for the dental specialties. Clinical evaluations and a project report will be required. Advanced work in dental biology can also be undertaken.

Repeatable to three credits. This course is a continuation of Dental Materials I. Spring semester classes will begin on Monday, Jan. Home Academics Joint Agreement Programs. Joint Agreement Programs. Sign up for website. Sign up to donate. The fees at this facility are based on the procedures rendered at the time of service, and all fees are determined by the procedure s rendered by the provider, with the standard fee reflecting the current medical marketplace.

For those patients who have limited financial resources, they offer a Discount Program; which is based upon the federal poverty level FPL and family size. A patient can apply for the Center's Discount Program by providing proof of their residences and proof of their family income.

Upon financial demonstration, no individual will ever be turned away for inability to pay for services. We have listed the dental costs below which we have compiled for Glfcc Elgin Community College.

We cannot guarantee the dental costs to be completely accurate. Costs are displayed for informational purposes for our users. We have compiled prices provided by users to this website.


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