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Go v2. C - steve - ListPro v5. AE Button. Plus v2. NET v3. Web Anti Virus v4. NET v1. AgMapper v1. Minggu, 08 Februari Tips Merawat Anthurium. Banyak ragam media tanaman yang beredar di pasaran yang digunakan untuk Anthurium. Akar pakis dipilih karena dapat menjaga kelembapan lebih lama dan juga karena prioritasnya yang tinggi. Daun bambu juga bagus di gunakan sebagai media campuran yang mempunyai sifat membantu memacu pertumbuhan Anthurium terutama yang masih bibit dan cara memperoleh daun bambu sangat mudah.
Untuk yang masih anakan, sebaiknya menggunakan cacahan pakis yang halus yang bisa diperoleh dari ayakan pakis kasar. Sebenarnya pemilihan media tanaman dan komposisinya dicocokan dengan cuaca daerah. Ini artinya, komposisi media di daerah yang satu bisaberbeda dengan daerah yang lain yang meliliki cuaca dan suhu berbeda. Anthurium akan tumbuh subur dan mempesona di dataran tinggi. Tapi untuk dataran rendah sebenarnya tidak masalah, karena ternyata ditempatkan didaerah yang panas misalnya Surabaya, Semarang dan Jakarta Anthurium juga tumbuh subur.
Prinsipnya cuma satu, yaitu bikinlah media yang porous, biar air tidak menggenang dalam pot. Penting juga sirkulasi udara, tanaman ini tidak suka udara yang pengab. Tambahi dengan kipas angin juga sangat memebantu dalam sirkulasi udara. Disarankan mengganti media tanaman dalam kurun waktu antara 6 sampai 12 bulan. Penempatan dalam pot prinsipnya juga penting. Pilih pot yang berukuran seimbang dengan tanamannya. Sebagai patokan bandingkan tinggi tanaman dengan ukuran pot.
Jenis pot bonsai bagus bagi pertumbuhan Anthurium, dikarenakan pertumbukan akar bisa menyamping. Ini juga menambah keindahan dan kecantikan penampilan. Kalau ditempatkan di sebuah pot yang tinggi, maka pertumbukan akarnya akan kebawah. Dan jangan lupa kalau Anhturium paling alergi dengan sinar matahari, untuk itu tanaman Anthurium diusahakan kena sinar matahari hanya 20 persensaja atau cukup dengan sinar matahari pagi sampai jam10 pagi.
Terpaan sinar matahari yang terlalu berlebihan akan cepat membakar daun Anthurium. The attacks to demonstrated Wednesday generally work by passively intercepting unencrypted traffic, by using a fake base station to force encrypted traffic to be downgraded into an unencrypted state, or to be cracked using rainbow tables.
None of their statements addressed why their networks fail to use strong encryption to protect GPRS traffic. This article was updated to correct details about the cracking of the Kasumi cipher and to clarify that the tool demonstrated Wednesday intercepts data, not calls. Microsoft's first Patch Tuesday of has, for some folk, broken Hyper-V and sent domain controllers into boot loops. A Register reader got in touch concerning KB , which, according to our them, "breaks hypervisors running on WSR2.
Tencent CEO Pony Ma Huateng referred to his Chinese multinational company as "ordinary" and replaceable in a leaked company speech given at the end of year employee meeting.
UK tabletop wargames specialist Games Workshop has published the latest chapter in the long-running saga of how mighty IT warriors valiantly battled the intransigent forces of ERP. Some companies will go to great lengths to hide business expansion plans, but it appears AWS may have namechecked a defunct UK business in efforts to conceal a planning application for a new data centre. It's back to the drawing board for a cannabis dispensary software company after an attempt to register the trademark "Potify" attracted the ire of music streaming platform Spotify.
The number of independent UK contractors assessed with the government's controversial CEST tool has fallen, according to a survey published today. The survey of 3, contractors, conducted by tax advisors IR35 Shield in November , showed 49 per cent got their IR35 assessment using tax authority HMRC's recommended tool in that same month. In April, the corresponding figure was 56 per cent.
The new IR35 regime, introduced in April last year following a year's postponement , forces medium and large businesses in the UK to set the tax status of their contractors and freelancers. Yet another developer of open source software has tired of companies utilizing the code he helps maintain without giving anything back to support the project. On Tuesday, Christofer Dutz, creator of Apache PLC4X, said he will stop providing community support for the software if corporate users fail to step up and open their wallets.
Cryptocurrency startup EthereumMax and top celebrities including Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather Jr are accused in a proposed class-action lawsuit of colluding in a pump-and-dump scheme that scammed victims. In December , the FTC accused Meta of "illegally maintaining its personal social networking PSN monopoly through a years-long course of anticompetitive conduct.
This legal challenge fell flat , however, when judges threw the case out six months later. Evidence supporting the idea it unlawfully dominated social media was said to be lacking though the regulator was given another chance to file an amended lawsuit. A federal judge has now agreed to hear the case this time. Bernalillo County, New Mexico, has been unable to comply with the settlement terms of a year-old lawsuit over prison conditions because of a ransomware attack last week that saw prisoners back under manual control.
County officials on January 6, , filed a notice [ PDF ] with the New Mexico District Court overseeing the settlement invoking an emergency provision in the settlement terms to temporarily suspend their obligations. Commissioners told the court that all of Bernalillo County, which covers the US state of New Mexico's largest city Albuquerque, had been affected by a January 5, , ransomware attack, including the Metropolitan Detention Center MDC that houses some of the state's incarcerated.
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