Driver tee off

Getting the right driver tee height can potentially add serious distance to your drives. Many golfers go to extremes with their tee height, and either go too low or too high. Then I will show you a brief little test you can perform at the driver range to help with this. The number stamped on the head represents the loft somewhere in the middle of the face.

The loft decreases as you go lower on the face of the driver, and increases as you move towards the top. For example, your driver might be 10 degrees somewhere around the middle — but the bottom of the club might have a loft of 7. There is a concept known as gear effect, which makes your impact point on the driver face very important.

I discussed it more in this article , and without getting too scientific this is what occurs with vertical gear effect:. If you strike the ball lower on the face of the driver, it will increase your spin rate and decrease your loft. This is an absolute distance killer because it will result in lower, spinning drives that will not go as far.

If you strike the ball higher on the face, it will increase your loft but decrease the amount of spin on the ball. Typically just above the sweet spot is where you are going to get the optimal launch conditions, and you can get those towering drives that seem to travel farther. Your golf swing has a major affect on where you will strike the ball on the face of the driver, but for the purposes of this article I want to talk about how a change in your setup can help accommodate the current swing you have.

Get yourself a few cans of Dr. Gripping it down from the end will give your more control. Turn your shoulders and drag the clubhead back along the target line.

Keep your head in position behind the ball. Steve Silverman is an award-winning writer, covering sports since Hitting well with your driver off the tee is a boost in confidence and sets up easier second shots.

Writer Bio Steve Silverman is an award-winning writer, covering sports since In fact, hitting a driver is different than hitting your irons, and you need to make certain adjustments to hit quality shots time after time.

There are a couple reasons that your swing must adjust between hitting woods and irons —. The correct golf driver swing plane is different than the correct swing plane with your irons. That means, basically, that you need to have two different golf swings that you can make throughout a round — one with your driver and fairway woods, and one with your irons, While they will share many common characteristics, there are a few differentiating factors that are important to understand.

Golf Driving, How To Get Off the Tee Properly If you took a poll of all of the golfers at your local course next weekend and asked them which club in the bag was their favorite, there would likely be a clear winner — the driver. There are a couple reasons that your swing must adjust between hitting woods and irons — Different design. That means that the club shaft sits at a lower angle when the club is placed behind the ball at address.


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